
Showing posts from February, 2018

My Morning Routine!

Hi everyone! Today I am going to share what I do every morning (or almost every morning).   When I wake up in the morning, my cat usually likes to snuggle for a few minutes before leading the way towards the kitchen for food. Before I go get her food I stop in the bathroom and wipe my eyes with a face wipe. Usually my eyes are very crusty in the morning, so I use one of these Neutrogena Wipes to get rid of the crusts and wake me up a little bit.   Georgia will lead the way to the kitchen and meow at me until I get her wet food out. I usually give her either 9 Lives Cat Food or Fancy Feast. After I give her food, I change her water and clean her litter box. My cat always comes first before me.   After that I take my daily multivitamin which is a Flintstones with Iron. I know that’s usually for kids, but I need that Iron in my body and I don’t know of any adult ones that have Iron that are chewable. I don’t like swallowing pills either. I also g...

BPD: Rapid Approach To Relationships

Lots of people with Borderline Personality Disorder struggle with maintaining healthy romantic relationships. I have struggled with maintaining romantic relationships my whole life. As of right now, I have been single for about 7 months. Most of my relationships have only lasted around 2-3 months, right when the “honeymoon” phase starts to fade. I feel like the relationships end because I lack the coping skills I need whenever something bad happens.   With Borderline, we have the fear of abandonment. When we’re in a romantic relationship, we are constantly worried that they are going to leave us. We’ll start getting thoughts like “they’re going to cheat on us” or “they don’t love me.” Any little indication that gets us to think that they’re going to leave gets these thoughts going. Then we start acting differently when we’re worried about that, and that actually pushes them away. This eventually will lead them to actually leaving, which is what we’re most afraid of. I ac...

My Life: Late January, Early February 2018 Recap: New Friends, Furnace Troubles And I'm A Princess!

JANUARY 19 — JANUARY 27 On Friday January 19th, I finally did something that I had been procrastinating on forever. I called to set up my consult appointment to get my wisdom teeth out. They have been starting to cause problems and sometimes I feel some pain. So I figured it’s about time to get them out. Step one was calling to set up that appointment. It won’t be until February 23rd. Then I’m hoping the actual surgery will be either in the late spring or sometime over the summer. Of course, I’m quite nervous about it.   My sister, Emma, and I decided to go shopping at Walmart and Target because she needed a flash drive and I needed food. I found some new gluten free things that I wanted to try including lasagna, meatballs, breakfast bowl, chocolate muffins, granola bars, and soup. I tried the lasagna when I got home, and it was amazing. Except that it’s $5 for one meal. That’s pretty expensive. I also tried the meatballs tonight and they are amazing as well and cost...

Bliss Triple Oxygen Skincare Review!

Hi everyone, today I will be reviewing several skincare products that I got from the brand Bliss. I decided to try it because I’m always looking for new ways to get healthier and better looking skin. I also decided to try it because these products happened to be on sale. It was originally $35 dollars to get all five of these products and I only paid $15 dollars. So that was a really good deal. Now, let’s dive in to the products. The first product in the box is the Bliss Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Cleansing Foam. This is a liquid to foam formula that gently washes away makeup and impurities while hydrating and detoxifying skin at the same time. This product contains vitamins A, C & E, soy protein, aloe, and magus leaf flower. Before applying this it says to make sure your face is damp. It only takes one pump to cover your whole face. Once you scrub it on your face, you just rinse it off with water immediately.   The next product is the Bliss T...