My Morning Routine!

Hi everyone! Today I am going to share what I do every morning (or almost every morning). When I wake up in the morning, my cat usually likes to snuggle for a few minutes before leading the way towards the kitchen for food. Before I go get her food I stop in the bathroom and wipe my eyes with a face wipe. Usually my eyes are very crusty in the morning, so I use one of these Neutrogena Wipes to get rid of the crusts and wake me up a little bit. Georgia will lead the way to the kitchen and meow at me until I get her wet food out. I usually give her either 9 Lives Cat Food or Fancy Feast. After I give her food, I change her water and clean her litter box. My cat always comes first before me. After that I take my daily multivitamin which is a Flintstones with Iron. I know that’s usually for kids, but I need that Iron in my body and I don’t know of any adult ones that have Iron that are chewable. I don’t like swallowing pills either. I also g...