My Morning Routine!
Hi everyone! Today I am going to share what I do every morning (or almost every morning).
When I wake up in the morning, my cat usually likes to snuggle for a few minutes before leading the way towards the kitchen for food. Before I go get her food I stop in the bathroom and wipe my eyes with a face wipe. Usually my eyes are very crusty in the morning, so I use one of these Neutrogena Wipes to get rid of the crusts and wake me up a little bit.
Georgia will lead the way to the kitchen and meow at me until I get her wet food out. I usually give her either 9 Lives Cat Food or Fancy Feast. After I give her food, I change her water and clean her litter box. My cat always comes first before me.
After that I take my daily multivitamin which is a Flintstones with Iron. I know that’s usually for kids, but I need that Iron in my body and I don’t know of any adult ones that have Iron that are chewable. I don’t like swallowing pills either. I also get a little drink of water because I’m usually pretty dehydrated in the morning.
I then take out my laptop and check my personal email, YouTube email, and work email. That’s a lot of emails to check. I also check all of my social media: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and my Blog. I also write in my journal every day. I have this 5 year journal that asks a different question every day and it asks the same question on the same day for 5 years, so it turns into kind of a little time capsule.
After doing all of that I will usually make some breakfast. After breakfast I wash my face with Bliss Triple Oxygen Products. I actually made a post reviewing these products if you’re interested in what I use to wash my face.
Then I finally get dressed and get ready for the day. I brush my teeth, put in my contacts, brush my hair and do my makeup. Depending on the day, I’ll either do very little makeup for work or if it’s a day off, I add a little bit more makeup.
That’s everything I do in the morning to get ready for the day. It usually takes me about an hour or hour and a half to do all of this. My morning routine is always changing as I find new ways to make a good solid morning routine that makes me feel ready to take on the day.
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