My Life: Late January, Early February 2018 Recap: New Friends, Furnace Troubles And I'm A Princess!


On Friday January 19th, I finally did something that I had been procrastinating on forever. I called to set up my consult appointment to get my wisdom teeth out. They have been starting to cause problems and sometimes I feel some pain. So I figured it’s about time to get them out. Step one was calling to set up that appointment. It won’t be until February 23rd. Then I’m hoping the actual surgery will be either in the late spring or sometime over the summer. Of course, I’m quite nervous about it. 

My sister, Emma, and I decided to go shopping at Walmart and Target because she needed a flash drive and I needed food. I found some new gluten free things that I wanted to try including lasagna, meatballs, breakfast bowl, chocolate muffins, granola bars, and soup. I tried the lasagna when I got home, and it was amazing. Except that it’s $5 for one meal. That’s pretty expensive. I also tried the meatballs tonight and they are amazing as well and cost $5 for a package of 60. So that’s more reasonable. 

That night I went out with my friend Gerry to Arcadia National Bar. This was probably my third or fourth time going. I chose not to drink because I feel uncomfortable around strangers when I’m tipsy. We played a few rounds of pinball and I won 2 games and he won 2 games. After a while, I usually start to feel socially awkward, followed by anxious. I kind of distance myself away from everyone. I don’t know why, but it’s happened every single time at that place. We left at around 11:30 and I spent the night at his house since I didn’t feel like driving back home that late. 

On Sunday, I finally figured out why my washing machine still wasn’t working even though it was warm enough for the pipes to be unfrozen. The water was somehow turned off. It’s so frustrating when it’s something so small, but at the same time, I’m glad that it was something small so I didn’t have to replace my whole washing machine.

That afternoon, I went to go visit a friend I haven’t really hung out with before. I mostly just hung out and watched Lord Of The Rings while she did some cleaning. She lives in a cute studio apartment. I like the idea of studio apartments because it’s taking up a lot less space and there’s less to clean. Once she was done cleaning, we ordered some Chinese food for dinner. I had some beef and broccoli with pork fried rice and egg drop soup on the side. My favorite part of Chinese food is getting the fortunes out of the fortune cookies. Mine said “You are the evening star in someone’s romantic eyes.” It made my heart skip a beat a little bit. Is there someone that thinks of me that way? 

Back to work on Monday. I had a pretty hard day and I was starting to feel overwhelmed. I was at my retail job that night too, but my best friend surprised me by coming in to visit. That made me feel a little bit better. 

Tuesday was (guess what?) another snow day. It was because of the freezing rain making the roads all slippery. I stayed at home most of the day until my best friend contacted me asking to meet him before he went into work. I hardly ever see him anymore, so I jumped at the chance to go see him. We just hung out in my car outside his workplace since he didn’t want to be seen and asked to clock in early. It was just fine. We can basically do anything as long as we’re spending time with each other and have fun. 

That night was rough for me. I woke up at around 10pm with a headache, toothache, and stomachache. On top of that, I kept hearing noise. I knew it was just ice falling off the trees onto my roof, but I couldn’t sleep for over an hour. I sat in my living room with a blanket with my heart pounding. I had a couple friends message me which made me feel better and I was eventually able to make my way back to bed and get some sleep. 

Wednesday we didn’t have any sort of delay, even though the roads were still horrible. It was because today was an early release day. I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason why we didn’t have some kind of delay. Literally at the first intersection, I almost got into an accident. My light turned green, and I started to turn right, and then these people go straight through the intersection when their light is red, honking at me and looking at me like I was an idiot. I had to slam on my breaks and my breaks started to pump preventing the breaks from locking. That’s one thing I’m thankful for in my car, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to stop and an accident would’ve happened. 

On Thursday, my furnace stopped working overnight AGAIN. So I had to start up my wood stove.

On Friday, after work, I went over to a co-workers house and hung out for a little while. It was really nice. I only stayed for about an hour because I was anxious to get home and check my furnace (my sister had stayed at the house while a person worked on it). I got to take home some chili though. Maybe next time I’ll be able to stay a little bit longer.

On Sunday, I went to a holiday party that my retail job was hosting. Not a ton of people came. When I got there, we were working on a project. Putting together packages for people. I put together little goodie bags of crayons and stickers. I also traced mushrooms for felt pizzas. Why were we doing this? No idea. I could have some of the dinner that was prepared. They had salad, rice, and plain turkey. Everything else I could not have. Then we played a game of trivia. We were split into 4 teams and our team won by one point. Dessert was cake, so I couldn’t have it. I headed home early because I was bored plus I needed to get to bed for work the next day. 

I went to my first dance class in forever on Tuesday night. It was more of a contemporary class which is harder for me. I’m very much a ballerina, but the workout was really nice. I’m planning to go every Tuesday night. 

I’ve had this bump on my eyelid for a while now and I’m assuming it’s just a blemish. It seems to be hurting worse as time goes on. It hurts when I blink now and before it only hurt when I touched it. I’m assuming I’ll just have to wait it out. 

Thursday and Friday were very snowy mornings, which made driving to work near to impossible. No delays no nothing. So it took me an hour to get to work those days.

Saturday morning was a dance audition for Sleeping Beauty. I was very surprised at the turn out. Half of the people who showed up were children 14 and under. Casting the show would be hard since we normally don’t use children very heavily. It always starts with a warm up and then different choreographers teach a combination. The first combination was a hip-hop one (that I struggled with a lot). The second combination was a jazzy/tap one, which I did better at. The third combination was classical ballet, which is my strength. While I danced that combination, I felt like colors and flowers were flowing out of me. It’s really silly to describe, but that’s how I felt. The fourth combination was a lyrical one to the song “Crying In The Club” by Camila Cabello. I struggled a little bit with that one. 

After the combinations, we move on to acting. We do a simple step across the room and we’re told what emotion to portray. The first one was creepy and evil. The second one was silly (which was very uncomfortable for me). The third one was in love. The director ran up to me after I did the in love emotion and asked me to do it again. So I did. 

After the emotions, the children were dismissed and the adults stayed for a partnering combination to see how well we danced with other people. Immediately I was paired with a guy, who in my mind, was set to play the prince. Having them pair me up with him made me very suspicious as well. We worked well together. He was very relaxed and I felt comfortable with him. 

Then the wait. I waited all day and heard nothing. I was hoping my sister Emma could tell me all the gossip (since she’s a choreographer) but she told me she was not allowed to tell me my part. This was frustrating because she could tell me before, but she was told specifically that she was not allowed to tell me. She knew my part, but was not allowed to say anything. It killed me and it probably killed her too. 

I decided to distract myself by going to a friends house. I brought her some snacks and we watched “Meet The Fockers”. Then I went with her to get gas for her car because she had anxiety about going to get gas. 

I asked Gerry if he wanted some company that night and he said yes, so after coming home for a bit, I went over to Gerry’s to spend the night. Gerry introduced me to the Bud Light Men Of Genius commercials. They were hilarious. He didn’t say anything about casting either. I didn’t try to push it with him. I didn’t want to pressure him if he knew my part too. 

On Sunday, I waited and waited some more. I decided to distract myself by running errands and going to my best friend to get a massage since my legs and back were really sore. I almost had a mental breakdown, but my best friend had some food to give me, and that helped.

I was checking out at Walmart when I received the casting call. As I suspected, I got the lead! I will be playing Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty! I am beyond excited. After I finished grocery shopping, I went to my parents house for dinner. My sister, Emma, revealed that she was cast as the Lilac Fairy. My prince is the guy that I suspected, the guy that I danced with at auditions.

On Monday, I got home from work and my furnace had stopped working again. It was so cold in the house that Georgia was shivering. I had some space heaters going and started up the wood stove. 

On Tuesday at work, I was told that the oil company came over to fix it and that it was fixed. I came home and it definitely was not fixed. The furnace wasn’t starting and it was on the colder side in the house. I didn’t start a fire, but I had some space heaters going. Before I went to dance class, I managed to get the oil company to come back and fix it. They found a wire that was caught in the door and frayed, so they rewired it, and it has been working since. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. I just want to make it through the winter and then when it’s off season, I’ll invest in a new furnace. 

Wednesday was a snow day, to my very shock. I was totally expecting an early release because the snow wasn’t going to start until later. I quickly ran a couple errands early and then spent the day at home. I got quite a bit done, so felt pretty productive. 

That’s about it for the end of January and beginning of February. I’m super excited to be playing the lead in Sleeping Beauty! Rehearsals start on Saturday. I will update you guys throughout the process. 


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