BPD: Fear Of Abandonment

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to start talking more in depth about the symptoms of borderline personality disorder and how each one has affected me specifically. Today we will be talking about efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. This is one of the core criteria of Borderline Personality Disorder. When someone tells us that they’re leaving for an extended period of time, it can cause us to be very anxious. Things such as break ups are especially difficult for people with BPD. Even short term things like going away on trips for an extended period of time are difficult. Even as short term as canceling plans makes us feel anxious. We also get anxious over imagined abandonment. This means that if someone says something that causes us to think that they’re leaving, but they don’t outright say that they’re leaving, we overthink about what they said and assume that they mean that they’re leaving us and it causes anxiety. Our fear of abandonment, whether it...