My Life: Early January 2018 Recap: Fake Profiles, Haircuts, and Old Shows

Hi everyone! So I decided that every few weeks, I’m going to talk about what’s actually going on in my life. I mean, I do talk about a lot of things that are huge in my life such as mental illness and celiac disease, but I don’t really talk about the other things. So every few weeks, you’ll get a recap of what I’ve been doing for the past few weeks. 

WEEK ONE: January 1st -- January 6th

So let’s start off with ringing in the New Year. This New Year’s Eve was actually a quieter one. The past two years, I’ve gone to small parties, and before that, I would just hang out with my family. This year, I went to my friend Gerry’s house. Just me, Gerry and his dog Pocket. We braved the cold temperatures to have some late dinner at Silly’s Restaurant in Portland and then watched Leverage on Netflix for a while. I ended up falling asleep at around 11:30pm. So, I missed ringing in the new year. I wasn’t partying hard, I wasn’t kissing anyone. Nope, I was sleeping. 24 years old and I can’t stay up late anymore.  

Holiday break was officially over for me and I had to go back to work as an Ed Tech. It was a really weird week though. On Tuesday because of the cold weather, we had a 2 hour delay so we could get the busses working. Then on Thursday, we had a huge blizzard where we accumulated a foot of snow. So obviously, school was cancelled. I also ended up getting sick that night. The following day was another 2 hour delay for cleanup, but I ended up taking a sick day. I was up all night and I couldn’t keep anything in my stomach until Friday afternoon. All I could take was water from Thursday evening to Friday afternoon. 

Another reason why I was up all night was because of a fake profile scare. Someone created a fake profile on Facebook targeting one of my best friends. This person told him some crazy stuff and started targeting our circle of friends including me. This person acted like she wanted to date my best friend and wanted to cut him off from all of his friends, going to extreme lengths to do so. I was afraid of my safety that night since I was one of his friends who was targeted. Luckily, nothing happened, and thanks to some of our other friends, we figured out it was a fake profile and got it removed from Facebook. It was very scary and we’re all glad that it was taken care of. 

To finish off that week, my furnace stopped working on a day that it was -12 degrees outside. And of course, it was the weekend, so if I were to get service, it would cost extra. So I fired up my wood stove for the weekend to keep me warm. My dad had a friend who knew a lot about furnaces, so he came over on Sunday to look at it and figured out the problem. So my furnace started working again and has been working since then. 

WEEK TWO: January 7th -- January 13th

The second week of January was also the first full week back to work as an Ed Tech. There were no snow days and no 2 hour delays that week. This was the first five day week we had in about a month because of snow days and the holiday break. It felt like a long week, but I made it through. 

Georgia ended up getting a little bit sick. I think her dry food was a bit stale because she doesn’t eat a lot of it, so it sat out for a while. So I changed out the dry food and didn’t put as much in the bowl and she hasn’t gotten sick since. 

This week also ended up warming up into the 50s on Thursday and Friday. And it was RAINING. Rain in January in Maine? And then the next day it was back into the teens. Maine, you’re drunk, go home. 

I also got sick again as the weekend approached, but it was only a cold. It wasn’t bad. I'm still recovering from it, but it's not as bad as it was.

On Saturday, I got my hair cut. I got a whole seven inches off. I absolutely love it! Most everyone I’ve talked to also like it. So, I think it was a good choice. My hair was getting way too long to deal with. 

That night, I went with some friends to see a burlesque show called Lady’s Labyrinth, which is loosely based on the 1986 film Labyrinth starring David Bowie. I never actually saw the original film, but it was so loosely based that you didn’t really have to watch the original film in order to appreciate it. The storyline was easy to follow and it was really entertaining to watch. 

WEEK THREE: January 14th -- January 18th

To kick off the third week of January, I went to a cozy viewing party at a friend’s house with cast mates from the last show I did. We all gathered on the couch with pillows, blankets, and snacks and watched the show. We laughed, made commentary, and pointed out little things that we never noticed before. We also decided to watch another show from summer 2016 since it popped up on the screen. It’s a lot of fun watching old shows. I’ve seen some of them, but not all of the ones that I’ve been part of in the past. I would eventually like to get a hold of some copies of all the ones since winter 2015 (which was when I started performing with this company). 

Another weird week since I ended up with a snow day on Wednesday. We had Monday off because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And I have Friday off because it was a teacher workshop day and ed techs don’t come to this particular one. So I only had work on Tuesday and Thursday. I’ve been getting so spoiled with all of this time off. After this week, I’ll have work 5 days a week every week until February vacation (unless we have more snow days). 

That’s about it for the first few weeks of 2018. Off to a pretty good start. I can’t wait to see what the rest of this year has in store for me. 


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