BPD: Intense And Unstable Relationships With Friends

Today I will be talking about intense and unstable relationships when it comes to BPD. This is the second post about this topic and this time it has to do with friends. I’ve had lots of different friends come and go throughout the years. For some people with BPD, we might have a “favorite” person. One person that we would prefer to spend all of our time with and latch on to them and kind of suffocate them with how attached we are. With my childhood, it was always a friend. When I got into my late teens and young adulthood, it became my significant other (when I had one). I will talk more about my relationships with significant others in a separate post. I usually had a best friend every year of school. It was almost always someone different just based on who was in my classroom. I never had more than one best friend. Life was so great whenever they were around and when they were absent from school, life was difficult. I got jealous whenever they w...