My Life: Early March 2018 Recap: Busy, Busy, Busy!
MARCH 2 — 10
On Friday, March 2nd, I got to dress up like a princess since it was Dress Like Your Favorite Storybook Character Day. That is one reason why I like my job, is that I get to do fun days like that. I’ve also thought a lot about creating a vlog. I gathered a lot of music to use for it. I’m still going back and forth on how I actually want to do it. I’ll keep you updated as time goes on.
On Saturday, March 3rd, my first rehearsal was for the Rose Adagio, which is just basically cleaning it up because it’s been finished for a while. Then I had rehearsal for Little Red Riding Hood, which I don’t dance a lot in that one. The prince and I mostly just sat and watched. I got a lot accomplished, I managed to finish a video and a blog post. Then I just became a slug as soon as I finished those things.
That night I went to Salvage BBQ with Gerry. The moment I walked in, I felt so anxious. I didn’t want to dance because I hadn’t done any swing dancing in a really long time. I just kind of sat at a table and watched as Gerry danced. He came over and sat with me for a little bit, but I just wasn’t getting out of it. We left after 45 minutes and I stayed the night at his place.
When we woke up Sunday morning, Gerry made me a quick breakfast omelette before I went back home. I had very sporadic rehearsals. My first one was Waltz, then I had an hour break where I went and grabbed some Chipotle for lunch. My next one was Awake, then I had a 2 hour break, so I went grocery shopping. Then I had a rehearsal for a piece in an upcoming studio show. There wasn’t a lot of choreography, but it seems like fun. The concept of the piece is to let go of some kind of relationship.
When I got home I decided to browse some therapy groups and I found one potential one that isn't too far away. There are no groups specifically for Borderline Personality Disorder that were near me, so I looked for mainly anxiety and depression. I emailed the person who runs the group for more information.
I got an email back on Monday from the person who runs the therapy group and he said that he’s currently recruiting for a summer session. He said he’s conducting interviews for potential people and to let him know when I could meet with him. I told him I could meet either Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday after work.
Tuesday was overall a very hard day. My mom had a thought that for my birthday, instead of getting me gifts, to pay off one of my bills, either my student loan or my car payment. I would prefer my car since I have to pay more for that every month. She said she was going to talk it over with my dad first, but if he agrees, that could be my birthday present this upcoming year. I’m also starting to think that I need to find a job that’s closer to me to save money on gas and EZ pass money. As much as I like where I am, I’m not making any more money than I was working at my retail job with all the extra costs. I ended up shutting down at the end of the night and I couldn’t focus on anything. I couldn’t find anyone to talk to.
Wednesday was again a very hard day. Because of the weather, game night was canceled. We had a huge snowstorm beginning to come our way. School was canceled for the next day at around 8pm.
Thursday turned out to be a pretty productive day. I got all my dishes done and a big load of laundry done. I did some shoveling, but my dad and my brother came over to help me and it got done in 25 minutes. It would have taken me about an hour and a half to do it all. I also decided to sign back up for Netflix because I needed something to do. I was trying to play some games on my gaming laptop, but every single game crashes before I can begin, which really sucks. So I watched the first four episodes of Pretty Little Liars. It’s a show that I had never watched before, but suddenly had interest in it.
I had a weird sleeping thing happen on early Friday morning. I woke up at 12:30am but I was still half asleep and I started calling out one of the names of my students. Then I fully woke up and realized that I was dreaming. It was strange. Gerry asked me if he could stay the night so I could take him someplace nearby in the morning, and that he made some questionable quality gluten free bread for me. I picked him up at 9:45ish and brought him to my house.
Saturday morning, Gerry made breakfast for me. He made some avocados, bacon, eggs, potatoes, and breadsticks. It was delicious. Then I dropped Gerry off at his event that he needed to go to and then I had one rehearsal. This rehearsal was for Temptation, the part in the show where Carabosse gets me to prick my finger. After rehearsal, I got a lot of cleaning and dishes and laundry done. My sister, Emma, and I went shopping to look for a birthday gift for our cousin and a dress for me to wear to the upcoming semi-formal dance. We found a cute jean jacket for $10 for our cousin but I didn’t have any luck finding any dresses. I’ll just wear the pink one that I wore for my junior prom.
MARCH 11 — 17
On Sunday, I had a very long rehearsal day. Starting with Red Riding Hood, then an hour break, then Lilac Fairy’s Gift. Then a two hour break. Then I had three rehearsals for the upcoming studio show. First was a jazz/hip-hop piece to the song Thunder by Imagine Dragons. The one from last week about letting go of something, and then one set to a spoken word speech about gun violence. I didn’t get home until past 6pm. I was starting to have a bit of a mental breakdown. I got an email back from the guy running the summer therapy group and he asked if I wanted to meet on this upcoming Tuesday. I initially agreed, but then realized that there was a big storm coming on Tuesday so I asked if there was a different day. He didn’t have an opening until April 3rd, so I took it. I’ll be meeting with him on April 3rd after I get out of work.
Monday, once again was hard. At my retail job, I suddenly felt very sick to my stomach and threw up. I didn’t think I was sick though, and I felt better later. School canceled for me at around 9:30, so I knew I was able to sleep in the next day.
Tuesday was a bit of a crazy snow day. I decided to sneak over to my retail workplace to get a hold that I had put aside yesterday. It was just a couple cheap pieces of jewelry. It was only about 10:30, but it was already starting to get bad out. Then my FabFitFun package was delivered, so I ventured out to my mailbox to get it. I got stuck in my driveway trying to get back in, but I shoveled myself back in. I was so excited to get my FabFitFun stuff. I started using some of it right away.
I woke up early Wednesday morning to a text that said it was going to be a 2 hour delay. I sighed and grumbled, but I told myself at least I had a little extra time to shovel. I went back to sleep and awoke an hour later to a text saying that upon further consideration, there would be no school. I had a huge sigh of relief, but at the same time, I was bummed because it added another day in June. I spent most of the morning shoveling and at around 10am, my mom and brother came over to help me shovel what I hadn’t done yet.
Finally, I was able to go to another game night. And finally, my best friend was able to come as well. We played several games: Joking Hazard, We Didn’t Playtest This, and Colt Express. One of my friends took the Yogibo seat at the beginning, and as soon as he left, I took it. In response, he flipped it over and crushed me (playfully of course). Then he laid it on the side so we could share a seat. He prevented me from getting up by lifting the Yogibo as if he was going to crush me again. Someone else made a remark that that’s how he flirts with his wife at home. There was a period of a few seconds of awkward silence before he went back to torturing me. He did help me up afterward.
Back to work on Thursday. When I got home, Georgia was so needy. She acted like I was gone forever.
Friday was the same deal with Georgia. She was so clingy again. I spent a lot of time before bed reading a book called “Why Mr. Right Can’t Find You.” It’s really interesting and it opened up my eyes involving compatibility. It actually gave me a big realization as to why my last relationship didn’t work out. The night we met, my ex wanted to know everything about me, but would not tell me anything about himself. He was very secretive about a lot of things. I opened up a lot to him, but he wouldn’t open up for me. So this probably means that he was not comfortable with his own baggage from the past. It’s very interesting stuff.
Saturday I had some rehearsals to start. Temptation, Awake, and Grandfather’s Tale, which was a new one. It was basically the part which recaps what happened in act one. I make an appearance and do a dance across the stage. Later, my siblings and I went shopping to find my brother some new sneakers. Then we killed time at the mall and ran into someone we knew. I went to Salvage BBQ at around 8:30. I ordered some food and fought my anxiety. Gerry stopped to chat with me for a while. Then he introduced me to a guy, and we danced and talked a little bit. He seems okay. Too hard to tell if anything will come out of it. At around 10:45 Gerry and I went to my place.
MARCH 18 — 22
On Sunday morning before rehearsal, Gerry and I went to Guidi’s Diner, which is one of my favorite places to eat. I had a cheese omelette and home fries with a cup of coffee. I didn’t want anything too heavy since I would be dancing a lot. Gerry got an Irish Benedict with some orange juice. Then we had our Hop rehearsal, which I feel really solid on. I was taking Gerry back to the theater, and about 2 minutes in the drive, he told me that he didn’t need to be at the theatre today. So we made a quick stop at the grocery store and picked up some snacks and water to tide us over and headed back to rehearsal.
We had our halfway cast meeting, just so the director could make a few announcements. Then we ran through what we have so far. There are a few pieces that haven’t even been started yet and there are very few that are actually finished. After the run through, I had one rehearsal for the studio show then went home. I gave in and watched my exes YouTube videos. I discovered last night that he has started a YouTube channel, and I gave in and watched. I enjoyed watching them, but it made me miss him. So I channeled all those overwhelming feelings into a dance and posted it on the Internet.
Wednesday night was game night. We spent the whole time playing Superfight. It was so much fun. We created some fun narratives of the different characters we created. One of my creations was a dolphin covered in eyes, wearing a meat bikini, can turn invisible while singing show tunes, shoots bees from it’s mouth, and rides a flying narwal. Another one was Rambo, where the bottom half was a Unicorn, and the bottom half of the unicorn was an electric eel, and he could shoot glitter.
That's about it for early March. Talk to you next time!
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